[T]hey can for some people who take advantage of them to figure out where and upon whom to perpetrate fraud.

[pullquote]The conspirators were able to [su_highlight background=”#F3F315″ color=”#000000″ class=””]steal the identities of people who had indicated on social media that they “liked” certain retailers.[/su_highlight][/pullquote]
On Sept 8, 2014 Renata Galvan was sentenced to five years in prison and restitution payments totalling over $1,00,000.
The conspirators committed fraud from Dec 2010 through March 2012. The defendant pleaded guilty in April 2013.
You may consider how public you make your social media endorsements of things although with Facebook and others’ security models anyone with whom you share data can typically reshare that same data to a larger audience without your knowledge or consent.
Just a heads-up that this really does happen. Some threat actors scan social media and use it to take advantage. The fact that these were found and brought to justice doesn’t necessarily make whole the people upon whom or in whose name they perpetrated fraud. Those individuals (not the business) are out the time and costs to restore lost good faith in their name.